VOLKSWAGEN ELECTRO Cost Weight Space Item 500 100 0 50 cf of LT ST body 500 100 5 powered wheel motive system (HT 17) 750 0 0 improved brakes 120 1.2 0.1 1.2 kwh drivetrain 2400 24 0.1 60 kwh rechargeable battery (30 hrs) 100 50 30 1 normal seat 300 150 0 armor 3/5 on all sides, 30 pts ST 600 0 0 burglar alarm 100 5 0.1 environmental control 300 0 0 GPS and ACR 500 0 0 Interface jack 6170 430.2 35.3 TOTAL 820 lbs max payload 10 cf cargo space 250 lbs max cargo load 1 MR 2 SR 1.25 power factor 38 top speed 1 mph/sec acceleration 15 mph/sec deceleration 100 armor factor 100 HT 1250 lbs load